Just log in with your secure internet shell to change this file!

me: yea.. added a few words already..
me update: actually..its quite a lot now..do you like it?

You may want to read: How to ~tilde: Getting Started for help.

me: ok..sure

Check out your new blog!

me: nice.. thank you..

10:04:23 up 57 days, 17:00, 261 users, load average: 7.54, 7.56, 7.53



Date: July 24, 2024 - 08:18 AM - Delete
xev wrote:


# Define the device names and IP addresses
declare -A devices=(

# Function to check the connection status of a device
check_connection() {
local device_name=$1
local device_ip="${devices[$device_name]}"
if ping -c 1 -W 1 "$device_ip" &> /dev/null; then
echo "$device_name ($device_ip) is connected"
echo "$device_name ($device_ip) is disconnected"

# Continuously monitor the connection status
while true; do
for device_name in "${!devices[@]}"; do
check_connection "$device_name"
sleep 1 # Wait for 1 second before checking again

Date: July 23, 2024 - 07:19 PM - Delete
xev wrote:

# Get the current date and time
date_time=$(date "+%Y%m%d %H:%M")

# Check the waktu.txt file for the current time
prayer_time=$(grep -F "$date_time" waktu.txt)

# If a match is found, print the message
if [ -n "$prayer_time" ]; then
echo "It's prayer time."

Date: July 23, 2024 - 08:16 AM - Delete
xev wrote:


tarikh=$(date "+%Y%m%d")
masa=$(date "+%H:%M")

# Check if there is a line in the file that matches the current date and time
if grep -q "^$tarikh $masa" "$file"; then
echo "It's prayer time"

Date: July 23, 2024 - 08:09 AM - Delete
xev wrote:


# Get the current date and time
current_date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
current_time=$(date +%H:%M)

# Read the prayer time table file
while read -r line; do
# Split the line into date and time columns
IFS=' ' read -ra columns <<< "$line"

# Check if the date matches the current date
if [ "$date" == "$current_date" ]; then
# Check if the current time matches any of the prayer times, except the third column
for time in "${times[@]}"; do
if [ "$time" == "$current_time" ] && [ "$time" != "${times[2]}" ]; then
echo "It's time for prayer!"
done < /path/to/prayer/time/table.txt

Date: July 23, 2024 - 08:08 AM - Delete
xev wrote:


# Get the current date and time
current_date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
current_time=$(date +%H:%M)

# Read the prayer time table file
while read -r line; do
# Split the line into date and time columns
date=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
times=($(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2-))

# Check if the date matches the current date
if [ "$date" == "$current_date" ]; then
# Loop through the prayer times, skipping the third column
for ((i=0; i<${#times[@]}; i++)); do
if [ "$i" -ne "2" ]; then
if [ "${times[$i]}" == "$current_time" ]; then
echo "It's time for prayer!"
done < /path/to/prayer/time/table.txt

Date: July 23, 2024 - 08:01 AM - Delete
xev wrote:


# Get the current date and time
current_date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
current_time=$(date +%H:%M)

# Read the prayer time table file
while read -r line; do
# Split the line into date and time columns
date=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
times=($(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2-))

# Check if the date matches the current date
if [ "$date" == "$current_date" ]; then
# Loop through the prayer times
for time in "${times[@]}"; do
# Check if the current time matches the prayer time
if [ "$time" == "$current_time" ]; then
# If it's the third column, add 28 minutes
if [ "$((${#times[@]} - 2))" -eq "2" ]; then
echo "It's time for the third prayer ($(date --date="$time + 28 minutes" +%H:%M))!"
echo "It's time for prayer!"
done < /path/to/prayer/time/table.txt

Date: July 23, 2024 - 07:58 AM - Delete
xev wrote:


# Path to the file containing prayer time table

# Get current date and time
current_date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
current_time=$(date +%H:%M)

# Adjusted time for the third column
adjusted_time=$(date -d "$current_time + 28 minutes" +%H:%M)

# Find matching time in the table and alert if found
while read -r line; do
# Extract date and times from the line
table_date=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')
time1=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}')
time2=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}')
time3=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $4}')
time4=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $5}')
time5=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $6}')
time6=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $7}')

# Check if the line's date matches today's date
if [[ "$table_date" == "$current_date" ]]; then
# Compare current time with each time in the table
if [[ "$time1" == "$current_time" ]]; then
echo "It's time!"
if [[ "$time2" == "$current_time" ]]; then
echo "It's time!"
# Adjusted time for the third column
if [[ "$time3" == "$adjusted_time" ]]; then
echo "It's time!"
if [[ "$time4" == "$current_time" ]]; then
echo "It's time!"
if [[ "$time5" == "$current_time" ]]; then
echo "It's time!"
if [[ "$time6" == "$current_time" ]]; then
echo "It's time!"
done < "$time_table_file"

Date: July 22, 2024 - 05:58 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

will do something with termux
1. install termux from f-droid
2. install termux:boot from f-droid #
3. pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
4. pkg install openssh cronie mpd php
5. termux-setup-storage
6. To start an sshd server and prevent the device from sleeping at boot, create the following file at ~/.termux/boot/startup:

termux-wake-lock &
sshd &
crond &
#and so on....

#try this one first

Date: July 21, 2024 - 07:08 PM - Delete
xev wrote:


Date: March 18, 2024 - 08:08 AM - Delete
jo wrote:


Date: December 09, 2023 - 11:00 PM - Delete
A wrote:


Date: September 13, 2023 - 12:14 PM - Delete
xev wrote:

vbr 8 or 7 is ok

Date: September 13, 2023 - 11:46 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

time ffmpeg -i PESONA_D\'ZAHRA_13_04_04_22.mp3 -map 0:a:0 -qscale:a 9 output-vbr.mp3

Date: September 13, 2023 - 09:22 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

$ cat geturl.sh
if [[ $1 == "" ]] ; then echo rss url?
rm -v *page*
for i in {1..5} ; do wget $1?page=$i ; done
cat *page* > a
cat a | grep -v playlist | egrep -i "itunes:title|itunes:image" | sed -e 's/ - /_/g' -e 's/ | /_/g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed -e 's/<itunes:title>//g' -e 's/<\/itunes:title>/.mp3xxxxx/g' -e 's/image.jpg?t=/audio\/direct\/t/g' -e 's/&amp;size=Large" \/>/\//g' -e 's/<itunes:image href="//g' -e 's/ /_/g' -e 's/\/\([0-9]\+\)\//_\1_/g' -e 's/?//g' -e 's/`/_/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\nhttp/http/g' | sed "s/\r//g" | awk -F "xxxxx" '{print "wget --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36\" -c -t0 \""$2$1"\""}' | tee aa
#cat a | egrep -i "itunes:title|itunes:image " | sed -e 's/ <itunes:title>//g' -e 's/<\/itunes:title>/.mp3xxxxx/g' -e 's/image.jpg?t=/audio\/direct\/t/g' -e 's/&amp;size=Large" \/>/\//g' -e 's/ <itunes:image href="//g' -e 's/ - /_/g' -e 's/ | /_/g' -e 's/ /_/g' -e 's/\/2022.mp3/_2022.mp3/g' -e 's/\/2023.mp3/_2023.mp3/g' -e 's/\/22.mp3/_22.mp3/g' -e 's/\/23.mp3/_23.mp3/g' -e 's/_01\//_01_/g' -e 's/_02\//_02_/g' -e 's/_03\//_03_/g' -e 's/_04\//_04_/g' -e 's/_05\//_05_/g' -e 's/_06\//_06_/g' -e 's/_07\//_07_/g' -e 's/_08\//_08_/g' -e 's/_09\//_09_/g' -e 's/_10\//_10_/g' -e 's/_11\//_11_/g' -e 's/_12\//_12_/g'
#echo awk -F "xxxxx" '{print $2""$1}'
#echo kasi gabung dulu tu line yang ada xxxxxx
bash aa
cat aa | awk -F "/" '{print $16}' | grep -i mp3 | wc -l
ls -lah | grep -i mp3 | wc -l

Date: September 12, 2023 - 08:21 AM - Delete
xev wrote:




See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.</bdi></p></div><span role="presentation" class="css-m6mmvu"></span><div class="css-gxrjc0"><div class="css-10i7m94">16:36</div></div></div></button></li><li class="css-bjn8wh"><div role="presentation" class="css-1u2mevv"></div><div role="presentation" style="background:#6d4d8f;opacity:0" class="css-4kbfpd"></div><button type="button" class="omny-unique-2 css-iq8kq3"><div class="css-1mwrlba"><img src="https://www.omnycontent.com/d/clips/26e1b8e2-fefc-4d5d-88df-b00300e4628d/c2ad0e7e-ec7a-4248-8a28-b00701045fe8/40802bb3-c393-4038-816b-b007012b5679/image.jpg?t=1684519798&amp;in_playlist=f36d8a09-bc22-4b49-bbd7-b008008bc3a3&amp;size=thumbnail" alt="" class="css-1tdsxa2"/><div role="presentation" style="background:#6313bc;color:#ffffff" class="css-llk6d9"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 16 16" role="img"><path fill="currentColor" d="M4.69309573,14.7242964 C3.75859484,15.335029 3,14.8965543 3,13.7502561 L3,2.2496903 C3,1.1013041 3.7595943,0.665961337 4.69309573,1.27565001 L13.2994991,6.89543446 C14.234,7.50616712 14.2330005,8.49691121 13.2994991,9.10555589 L4.69309573,14.7253403 L4.69309573,14.7242964 Z"></path></svg></div></div><span role="presentation" class="css-6t0107"></span><div class="css-1dt7hb6"><div class="css-139yxq1"><bdi class="css-kqj3p4">TAFSIR SURAH AL - A&#x27;RAAF EPISOD 077 - 30/03/22</bdi><p class="css-418xuv"><bdi>TAFSIR SURAH AL - A&#x27;RAAF EPISOD 077 - 30/03/22 by IKIM

Date: March 12, 2023 - 06:15 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

bool candiesThrownGotChocolateBar=true, bool candyBoxBoxOpened=true, bool castleKilledNougatMonster=true, bool castleBigRoomHovenHappy=true, bool castleRoom2LitFire=true, bool castleRoom2TookObject=true, bool castleTowerFirstVisitDone=true, bool castleTowerPStoneDone=true, bool castleTowerLStoneDone=true, bool castleTowerAStoneDone=true, bool castleTowerYStoneDone=true, bool castleTowerTookTalkingCandy=true, bool cellarDone=true, bool dragonDone=true, bool dragonUnlockedCyclops=true, bool forgeFoundLollipop=true, bool forgeBoughtWoodenSword=true, bool forgeBoughtIronAxe=true, bool forgeBoughtPolishedSilverSword=true, bool forgeBoughtLightweightBodyArmour=true, bool forgeBoughtScythe=true, bool fortressRoom1ChestFound=true, bool fortressRoom3ChestFound=true, bool fourthHouseFoundLollipopOnCupboard=true, bool gameDebug=false, bool gameInvertedColors=false, bool lighthousePuzzleDone=false, bool lollipopFarmPlant1LollipopButtonUnlocked=true, bool lollipopFarmPlant10LollipopsButtonUnlocked=true, bool lollipopFarmPlant100LollipopsButtonUnlocked=true, bool lollipopFarmPlant1000LollipopsButtonUnlocked=true, bool lollipopFarmIsProductionEachSecond=true, bool lollipopFarmConstructMillButtonUnlocked=true, bool lollipopFarmMillConstructed=true, bool lollipopFarmDigPondButtonUnlocked=true, bool lollipopFarmPondDug=true, bool lollipopFarmPondFeedingLolligators=false, bool lonelyHouseOpenBoxDone=true, bool lonelyHouseShakeBoxDone=true, bool lonelyHouseBreakLockDone=true, bool lonelyHouseKickBoxDone=true, bool lonelyHouseAskTheBoxToOpenItselfDone=true, bool lonelyHouseLureTheBoxWithACandyDone=true, bool lonelyHouseTakeTheBoxDone=true, bool mainMapDoneDesert=true, bool mainMapDoneBridge=true, bool mainMapDoneCaveEntrance=true, bool mainMapDonePier=true, bool mainMapDoneForest=true, bool mainMapDoneCastleEntrance=true, bool questPlayerSpellHealthPotionHasSpell=true, bool questPlayerSpellTurtlePotionHasSpell=true, bool questPlayerSpellAntiGravityPotionHasSpell=false, bool questPlayerSpellBerserkPotionHasSpell=false, bool questPlayerSpellCloningPotionHasSpell=false, bool questPlayerSpellPPotionHasSpell=false, bool questPlayerSpellXPotionHasSpell=true, bool secondHouseLollipop1Bought=true, bool secondHouseLollipop2Bought=true, bool secondHouseLollipop3Bought=true, bool secondHouseLeatherBootsBought=false, bool secondHouseChocolateBarBought=true, bool secondHouseMerchantHatBought=true, bool secondHouseTimeRingBought=true, bool sorceressHutTookLollipop=true, bool sorceressHutBoughtGrimoire=true, bool sorceressHutBoughtGrimoire2=true, bool sorceressHutBoughtCauldron=true, bool sorceressHutBoughtHat=false, bool statusBarUnlocked=true, bool statusBarUnlockedCfg=true, bool statusBarUnlockedSave=true, bool statusBarUnlockedMap=true, bool statusBarUnlockedInventory=true, bool statusBarUnlockedLollipopFarm=true, bool statusBarUnlockedCauldron=true, bool statusBarUnlockedInsideYourBox=true, bool statusBarUnlockedTheComputer=true, bool statusBarUnlockedTheArena=true, bool statusBarUnlockedHealthBar=true, bool SuperRPGReward1=false, bool SuperRPGReward2=false, bool SuperRPGReward3=false, bool SuperRPGReward4=false, bool SuperRPGUnlockedHardmode=false, bool TheCavePattern_ChocolateBarNowGotTheBar=true, bool TheCavePattern_TreasureMapSawMap=true, bool TheCavePattern_TreasureMapFoundTreasure=false, bool theHoleFirstChestFound=true, bool theHoleSecondChestFound=true, bool theHoleThirdChestFound=true, bool theHoleFourthChestFound=true, bool wishingWellFirstCandyThrown=true, bool wishingWellFirstLollipopThrown=false, bool wishingWellWeAreEnchanting=false, bool wishingWellWeArePainAuChocolating=false, bool gridItemPossessedMainMap=true, bool gridItemPossessedTimeRing=true, bool gridItemPossessedThirdHouseKey=true, bool gridItemPossessedBeginnersGrimoire=true, bool gridItemPossessedFeather=true, bool gridItemPossessedPogoStick=true, bool gridItemPossessedHeartPlug=true, bool gridItemPossessedAdvancedGrimoire=true, bool gridItemPossessedSponge=true, bool gridItemPossessedShellPowder=true, bool gridItemPossessedRedSharkFin=true, bool gridItemPossessedBlackMagicGrimoire=true, bool gridItemPossessedGreenSharkFin=true, bool gridItemPossessedPurpleSharkFin=true, bool gridItemPossessedHeartPendant=true, bool gridItemPossessedFortressKey=true, bool gridItemPossessedUnicornHorn=true, bool gridItemPossessedXinopherydonClaw=true, bool gridItemPossessedPitchfork=true, bool gridItemPossessedTalkingCandy=true, bool gridItemPossessedP=true, bool gridItemPossessedL=true, bool gridItemPossessedA=true, bool gridItemPossessedY=true, bool eqItemWeaponWoodenSword=true, bool eqItemWeaponIronAxe=true, bool eqItemWeaponPolishedSilverSword=true, bool eqItemWeaponTrollBludgeon=true, bool eqItemWeaponMonkeyWizardStaff=true, bool eqItemWeaponEnchantedMonkeyWizardStaff=true, bool eqItemWeaponTribalSpear=true, bool eqItemWeaponSummoningTribalSpear=true, bool eqItemWeaponGiantSpoon=true, bool eqItemWeaponScythe=true, bool eqItemWeaponGiantSpoonOfDoom=false, bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrown=true, bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrownWithJaspers=true, bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrownWithObsidian=true, bool eqItemHatMerchantHat=true, bool eqItemHatSorceressHat=false, bool eqItemBodyArmoursLightweightBodyArmour=true, bool eqItemBodyArmoursKnightBodyArmour=true, bool eqItemBodyArmoursEnchantedKnightBodyArmour=true, bool eqItemGlovesLeatherGloves=false, bool eqItemGlovesRedEnchantedGloves=true, bool eqItemGlovesPinkEnchantedGloves=true, bool eqItemBootsLeatherBoots=true, bool eqItemBootsRocketBoots=true, bool eqItemBootsBootsOfIntrospection=true, number aTreeStep=9, number cauldronBookCurrentPage=6, number fourthHouseCupboardStep=2, number fourthHouseCarpetStep=2, number galacticWarsBestScore=0, number gameSecondsElapsedSinceLastLollipopsProduction=0, number gameCandiesAccumulated=804145763, number gameCandiesCurrent=7739900, number gameCandiesMax=126088660, number gameLollipopsAccumulated=1546422324, number gameLollipopsCurrent=1519221723, number gameLollipopsMax=1519221723, number gameChocolateBarsAccumulated=10, number gameChocolateBarsCurrent=0, number gameChocolateBarsMax=7, number gamePainsAuChocolatAccumulated=3, number gamePainsAuChocolatCurrent=0, number gamePainsAuChocolatMax=3, number gameCandiesEatenAccumulated=11306300, number gameCandiesEatenCurrent=11306300, number gameCandiesEatenMax=11306300, number gameCandiesThrownAccumulated=5000, number gameCandiesThrownCurrent=5000, number gameCandiesThrownMax=5000, number gameCandiesUsedToRequestFeaturesAccumulated=55, number gameCandiesUsedToRequestFeaturesCurrent=55, number gameCandiesUsedToRequestFeaturesMax=55, number gameCandiesInCauldronAccumulated=1002704, number gameCandiesInCauldronCurrent=0, number gameCandiesInCauldronMax=1000000, number gameLollipopsInCauldronAccumulated=2001, number gameLollipopsInCauldronCurrent=0, number gameLollipopsInCauldronMax=500, number gameGiftPower=0, number gameGiftHealth=3, number gameGiftMagic=0, number lollipopFarmLollipopsPlanted=50000, number lollipopFarmTimeSinceLastProduction=0, number lollipopFarmProduction=4500, number lollipopFarmPondHowManyLolligators=50, number lollipopFarmPondConversionRate=498080, number lollipopFarmPreviousCandiesProduction=34, number lollipopFarmCurrentCandiesProduction=55, number mainMapDefaultScroll=552, number playerHp=2496, number questPlayerSpellHealthPotionQuantity=9858, number questPlayerSpellAntiGravityPotionQuantity=0, number questPlayerSpellTurtlePotionQuantity=1, number questPlayerSpellBerserkPotionQuantity=0, number questPlayerSpellCloningPotionQuantity=0, number questPlayerSpellPPotionQuantity=0, number questPlayerSpellXPotionQuantity=0, number statusBarCornerStep=0, number wishingWellPreviousCandyWishPrice=76, number wishingWellCurrentCandyWishPrice=208, number wishingWellCurrentLollipopWishPrice=1, number wishingWellHowManyChocolateBarsThrown=7, number wishingWellHowManyPainsAuChocolatThrown=3, string gameLanguage=en, string gameWeaponSelected=eqItemWeaponScythe, string gameHatSelected=eqItemHatMerchantHat, string gameBodyArmourSelected=eqItemBodyArmoursEnchantedKnightBodyArmour, string gameGlovesSelected=eqItemGlovesPinkEnchantedGloves, string gameBootsSelected=eqItemBootsRocketBoots, string gameGameMode=normal

Date: February 28, 2023 - 08:32 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

interesting webring:

Date: January 11, 2023 - 03:33 PM - Delete
xev wrote:

i love rain and cloudy...

Date: January 07, 2023 - 09:06 PM - Delete
xev wrote:

after a long time..

Date: July 24, 2016 - 05:49 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

upgrade all pip package
pip freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U

Date: May 06, 2016 - 09:01 PM - Delete
xev wrote:

change apostrophe using sed
sed -e "s|\x27|\`|"

Date: October 29, 2015 - 10:34 PM - Delete
xev wrote:

$cat b
aaa bbb ccc
$cat b | grep -oP "(?<=aaa).*?(?=ccc)"

Date: October 28, 2015 - 06:11 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

rsync -rv --progress --stats --size-only --ignore-times --delete /storage/Music .

Date: October 23, 2015 - 08:57 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

display and redirect to file
wget http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/5MB.zip 2>&1 | tee file.txt

only file
wget http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/5MB.zip &> file.txt

Date: October 23, 2015 - 08:03 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

telnet command from file
{ cat commands.txt; sleep 1; } | telnet mailhost.25

Date: October 10, 2015 - 07:09 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

im~ &#1512;&#1495;&#1501; ~ &#1585;&#1581;&#1610;&#1605;

Date: August 16, 2015 - 05:59 AM - Delete
xev wrote:

vi /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yowsup/layers/protocol_messages/protocolentities/message_text.py

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